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# Performance
# Excellence  
What is Sport Psychology?  

Competing in sport throws many mental challenges our way, such as dips in motivation, a loss of confidence and having to maintain high levels of performance when personal issues arise. Athletes and coaches who have the right mental support around them and feel they possess the mental strength to overcome these challenges have a much better chance of being happier in their sport. 

Sport psychology was created because of this realisation:  To achieve high performance requires a high performance mindset. Therefore sport psychology is about using the science of performance psychology and wellness to help people who either participate in sport (e.g., athlete) or support people in sport (e.g., coach, parent), to develop a mindset which can get the best out of themselves and those they seek to help.

Sport Psychology 101 - 

In this video I talk about how sport psychology can help athletes.

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In this video I talk about how sport psychology can help coaches.


In this video I talk about how sport psychology can help sport teams.



In this video I talk about how sport psychology can help parents in sport.

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